José Luis Barraza is a lifetime resident of Fresno California. His life experiences include over 20 years in curating visual, performing arts and lectures, he possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts. Jose Luis’s focus has been in developing Chicano Theater, an American art forum. His early beginnings 1972-1980 he performed with Luis Valdez and Teatro Campesino during a short stint in Fresno. Followed with Adrian Verges and Teatro de La Gente a touring company. He was also an active participant in Teatro Nacional de Aztlan, (TENAZ) an annual national theatre festival. He co-founded Centro Bellas Arts, the First Mexican-American Art Center in the San Joaquin Valley from 1984-2000. And served as the Executive Director from 1994-2000. Today he continues playing parts with Agustín Lira and Teatro de la Tierra. (Hispanic Profiles Magazine 8/94)